Enrolment Form

Student Information

Parent/Guardian Information


Emergency Contact Information

Language Proficiency and Previous Education

Course Selection (How to choose a course?)

Medical Information

Additional Comments/Questions

What day is tomorrow?*

* indicates that the fields must be filled.

  1. Student Information:
    Please provide your full name, date of birth, gender, telephone number, and email address in this section.
  2. Parent/Guardian Information:
    Share details about your parent or guardian, including their full name, contact number, email, and their relationship to you.
  3. Address:
    Enter your home address, local borough, and postcode here.
  4. Emergency Contact Information:
    Provide details for an emergency contact, including their name and contact number.
  5. Language Proficiency and Previous Education:
    Indicate your proficiency in the language that you want to learn and share any relevant details about your previous education or experience in language learning.
  6. Course Selection:
    Select your desired course from the available options in the dropdown menu.
  7. Medical Information:
    Disclose any allergies or medical conditions that may be important for your participation in the weekend school.
  8. Additional Comments/Questions:
    Feel free to include any additional comments or questions you may have in this section.
  9. Captcha:
    Answer the simple captcha question to ensure that you are a human filling out the form.
  10. Enrol Now Button:
    Finally, click the "Enrol Now" button below to complete your enrollment in the weekend school.